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Daily Schedules

Daily Schedules

Daily Schedules

Ascend Tanzania

Amid your climb of Kilimanjaro generally, breakfast is given somewhere in between 7.30a.m to 8.00a.m, and takeoff from camp starts at 9.00am.

There is lunch in the late morning, tea and bread roll around 4pm and supper at 7pm. Summit morning is extraordinary; full breakfast 11.30pm and begin climbing at midnight or now and again 1am.

Most day by day climbs take from 4 to 7 hours. The pace is moderate and not constrained by any means. There is a rest in any event once consistently and a lot of time to take photographs, appreciate the view and talk. When you touch base at the campground you will locate the tents raised and your packs ready to collect.

Summit Day

Summit day usually wake up around 11:30 pm and about 12:00 am begin climbing to the summit - Uhurupeak and arrive when the sun comes up - early morning around 6:30 am yet relying upon your pace. Climbing is typically gradually to enable you to adjust and confronting the precarious summit climb which has switch beg.

Read here about a typical Daily Hiking Schedule On Kilimanjaro. After that it needs to consider Best Time To Climb Kilimanjaro and Trail Conditions to choose the best route for your successful summit.

Daily Schedules

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